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Author Topic: Tech & Computer News Aggregator sites  (Read 29633 times)

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Offline Bigdog

Tech & Computer News Aggregator sites
« on: October 25, 2020, 12:06:36 PM »
News Aggregator sites

A searchable index into what is happening in the world in that field
All use a similar format and UI

SciURLs – science news aggregator.
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TuxURLs – Linux news aggregator.
5 post minimum to see code tags!

MathURLs – mathematics news aggregator.
5 post minimum to see code tags!

FinURLs – financial news aggregator.
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DevURLs – developer news aggregator.
5 post minimum to see code tags!

TechURLs – technology news aggregator.
5 post minimum to see code tags!

"I had a sordid youth, and she kept coming back for more!"
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