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Avengers Infinity War part 1 Opens a week early...


One phrase to describe my excitement for this movie........

OH.... My....Fucking....God.....

buying my tix now for this.

^^^^^ movie pass is the way to go,  if i haven't gotten that i would of spent a grand in movie tickets over the last year

with that said..... Josh Brolin and Thanos :X

Movie pass is really worth it? We only see maybe a movie or two a month

it is all what you spend, 9.99/month for one ticket every week is worth it for me i prob see 3 a month so that would be at least 2 free if you think about it but that is it, its only one ticket and you cant see a movie more then twice in a given month and no 3D or specials like imax etc are the  only draw-backs


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