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I want to send out a HUGE thank you to thepitster


Your friendly neighborhood Admin You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
or make a 5 post minimum to see url tags. has been HARD at work coding to make ALLRiPPED a better site..When you guys see what he has done you will be amazed (especailly if you know anything about coding and design) he has made outdated crappy mods work when there is no way they should have. He has spent HOURS staring at code, hacking away at it and beat it into submission. Without You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
or make a 5 post minimum to see url tags. this site wouldnt be here. So Thank you sir for all your hard work and letting me be a part of all of this!!!!!

who me?? naw man.

but for real, with out You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
or make a 5 post minimum to see url tags. helping ,keeping up, and coding right along with me half the stuff could not get done as fast as it has.

The Alien:
I have no idea how you do it, but all the Hrs, effort....

A giant pat on the back for you Bro

Well said X :alien-wink:


For instance


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